Universal Dashboard Templates - Scaffolding a New UD Project with Powershell

All code from this article is freely available on Github as a template repository. Just click "Use this template" on the repository page here:



  • What are the advantages of project scaffolding

  • How does ud-template work

The Why

Why should you consider scaffolding a new project? While we're here, what exactly is scaffolding? Much like the term's origin a project scaffold is meant to build a consistent framework and design that you can use to build your projects with.

If you've used products like Visual Studio, you're already familiar with scaffolding when you choose to begin a "New Project". The IDE will auto-generate commonly used files and folder structures for the language you're writing in.

I'm taking this same approach with my ud-template utility. By simply running the included New-UDProject script with a single parameter -ProjectName 'myProject' we invoke all the necessary steps to create a running dashboard with some pretty handy features already enabled.

Let's take a look at what we get and how it works.

The How

New-UDProject -ProjectName 'myProject' is the only command you need to run in order to create a new project framework for UD. It performs several things on your behalf:

Creating the module

We start by creating a module for our dashboard. We're going to use this module along with some boilerplate code in the .psm1 file to automatically import and source our functions.

It's definitely possible to import functions into all runspaces without a module using a New-EndpointInitialization declaration in the dashboard.ps1 but I find this gets unwieldy very quickly on more robust projects, so I prefer each function in it's own file in a standard location, /src.

Creating the file/folder structure

The basic strucutre of our project is laid out as follows:

│   dashboard.ps1
│   dbconfig.json
│   New-UDProject.ps1
│   README.md
│       home.ps1
  • Functions

Every function we want to declare will be in it's own function.ps1 file in the /src folder, which our module will pick up and dot-source for all runspaces. This means every function should automatically be available for use in every script block of our dashboard.

  • Pages

I like to keep every page of my dashboard in it's own page.ps1 file in /pages. Every file in this directory will be appended automatically to our dashboard and available from the navigation menu. a home page is included by default.

  • Themes

Similar to functions, every theme should be in it's own .ps1 file in /themes and will be sourced for the dashboard. Note, only a single theme can be used at a time, as this is the design of Universal Dashboard. By default, the dark-themed SampleTheme.ps1 is enabled, as seen in the screenshot above.

  • Dashboard Configuration

I love json. It's ok if you don't but you're wrong and you should feel bad <3 that's fine. For this project however, I'm using a very simple json configuration to keep track of the project name, root module, and port our dashboard is running on. This is auto-generated from New-UDProject when you run it the first time. I'm sure this will evolve to include more aspects of my dashboards in the future.

If you're considering storing any form of credential in your json file...don't. Please. Think of the kittens. There are excellent ways to deal with authentication requests in code.

  • Assets

Assets are anything that needs to be included with your project and don't have another home- for example, fonts or images. This empty folder is created by New-UDProject as well.

  • Running the dashboard

The last aspect i want to cover is how this project runs the dashboard. Our dashboard.ps1 covers several areas.

Import our config file

$ConfigurationFile = Get-Content (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot dbconfig.json) | ConvertFrom-Json

Import our module we created

Try {
    Import-Module (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot $ConfigurationFile.dashboard.rootmodule) -ErrorAction Stop
} Catch {
    Write-Warning "Valid function module not found. Generate one by running $(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot New-UDProject.ps1) -ProjectName 'myProject'"

Source our themes folder

. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "themes\*.ps1")

Generate our pages

$PageFolder = Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot pages)

$Pages = Foreach ($Page in $PageFolder){
    . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "pages\$Page")

Auto-import our module, and thus our functions in /src

$Initialization = New-UDEndpointInitialization -Module @(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot $ConfigurationFile.dashboard.rootmodule)

Start our dashboard

    Title = $ConfigurationFile.dashboard.title
    Theme = $SampleTheme
    Pages = $Pages
    EndpointInitialization = $Initialization

$MyDashboard = New-UDDashboard @DashboardParams

Start-UDDashboard -Port $ConfigurationFile.dashboard.port -Dashboard $MyDashboard -Name $ConfigurationFile.dashboard.title

This project is completely open source and I always like to hear feedback, or even a pull request for something you think is neat.

Happy dashboarding!
