Secure Your Powershell Session with JEA and Constrained Endpoints


  • What is a Constrained Endpoint and Why Would I Need One?

  • Setup and Configuration

  • Using our Endpoint

What is a constrained endpoint and why would I need one?

Powershell constrained endpoints are a means of interacting with powershell in a manner consistent with the principal of least privilege. In Powershell terms, this is referred to as Just-Enough-Administration, or JEA.

JEA is very well documented, so this won't simply be repeating everything those references detail. Instead, we'll go through a simple, real-world use-case of when and why you might need to deploy one.


A subset of your team needs permissions to do one single action outside the normal scope of their jobs - The ability to restart a service on a server. This particular application will not accept changes to it without a restart, so this access needs to be delegated to the team responsible for maintaining the application, rather than calling you ever 12-15 minutes throughout the day.

You might be thinking, why not just email them a link to a one-liner of code and say "Hey, run this in the terminal thingy!"

Invoke-Command -Server myserver -ScriptBlock {Get-Service myservice | Restart-Service}

First, now the entire team needs PS-Remoting rights, administrator rights on the remote server (!), and a contract with HR not to replace the contents of -ScriptBlock { } with something more sinister or destructive. Instead, we're going to let them do just enough administration to accomplish what they need to.

Setup and Configuration

Now that we've established why we need a constrained endpoint, let's use powershell to create one. For this example, we will have a custom module mymodule.psm1that exposes two functions:

  • Get-Foo - a custom function we wrote for demonstration purposes
  • Restart-OurCustomService - a function that explicitly calls Restart-Service -Service OurCustomService

Here is our custom module, mymodule.psm1:

Function Get-Foo {
	    [string] $Message = "Hello World!"
    Write-Output $Message
    $EventLogParams = @{
        LogName   = 'MyPSEndpoint'
        Source    = 'Get-Foo'
        EntryType = 'Information'
        EventID   = 2000
        Message   = "Get-Foo -Message '$Message' was run."
    Write-EventLog @EventLogPArams

Function Restart-OurCustomService {
    Try {
        $RestartParams = @{
            Name          = 'OurCustomService'
            Force         = $True
            ErrorAction   = Stop
            ErrorVariable = err
        Restart-Service @RestartParams
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor green "OurCustomService was restarted!"
        $EventLogParams = {
            LogName   = 'MyPSEndpoint'
            Source    = 'Restart-OurCustomService'
            EntryType = Information
            EventID   = 2001
            Message   = "Successfully restarted"
        Write-EventLog @EventLogParams
    Catch {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor red "OurCustomService could not be restarted."
        $ErrorLogParams = @{
            LogName   = 'MyPSEndpoint'
            Source    = 'Restart-OurCustomService'
            EntryType = Error
            EventID   = 2002
            Message   = "$err"
        Write-EventLog @ErrorLogParams

These are the only two commands we want our team members to be able to run.


It's always good idea to have some type of logging, so before we even create the actual PS-Session, we're going to create a Windows Event Log source for it:

$Sources = @(
New-EventLog -LogName "MyPSEndpoint" -Source $Sources

Now, we'll be able to see what commands were run through the Event Log, as well as audit any errors thrown.

Creating the module

We'll need to make sure our module is available on the remote computer. There are several ways to do this, but for this demo, we'll simply create a folder for it in one of the standard module directories.

The file path will end up being:


Creating the session configuration file

Next, we need to actually create the session endpoint. We need to ensure our users can only use the functions and cmdlets we've specified, so in order to do that we need to configure a few parameters.

First, is LanguageMode, of which we'll be using the Restricted type. The help file for New-PSSessionConfigurationFile explain exactly what this entails:

RestrictedLanguage: Users may run cmdlets and functions, but are not permitted to use script blocks or variables except for the following permitted variables: $PSCulture, $PSUICulture, $True, $False, and $Null. Users may use only the basic comparison operators (-eq, -gt, -lt). Assignment statements, property references, and method calls are not permitted.

Similar to language mode, we also want to set a custom ExecutionPolicy for our endpoint. For this example, since we really only need our 3 defined commands, we'll use RemoteSigned. For more information on various execution policies, see Microsoft's about_Execution_Policies documentation.

Last, we will configure a SessionType. Another brief look at Get-Help New-PSSessionConfigurationFile shows:

RestrictedRemoteServer: Includes only the following proxy functions: Exit-PSSession, Get-Command, Get-FormatData, Get-Help, Measure-Object, Out-Default, and Select-Object. Use the parameters of this cmdlet to add modules, functions, scripts, and other features to the session.

Our code to create our session should now look like this:

$sessionparams = @{
    'Path'            = "$env:windir\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\MyPSEndpoint.pssc"
    'LanguageMode'    = 'RestrictedLanguage'
    'ExecutionPolicy' = 'RemoteSigned'
    'SessionType'     = 'RestrictedRemoteServer'
    'ModulesToImport' = @('MyModule')

New-PSSessionConfigurationFile @sessionparams

The last thing necessary to begin using our constrained endpoint is to register it with Powershell:

$registerparams = @{
    'Name'                     = 'MyPSEndpoint'
    'Path'                     = "$env:windir\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\MyPSEndpoint.pssc"
    'ShowSecurityDescriptorUI' = $True

Register-PSSessionConfiguration @registerparams

A very important screen should now appear. This is the SecurityDescriptorUI, which will allow us to delegate permissions for who can access our endpoint.

NOTE: You won't be able to set the SecurityDescriptorUI over a remote PSSession, so be sure to use the console to do this part. If you mess this up, you can reset it from a console: Get-PSSessionConfiguration -Name MyPSEndpoint | SetPSSessionConfiguration -ShowSecurityDescriptorUI

Assign permissions as needed, and then verify your configuration has appropriate permissions:

PS C:\Users\nate> Get-PSSessionConfiguration -Name MyPSEndpoint

Name          : MyPSEndpoint
PSVersion     : 5.1
StartupScript :
RunAsUser     : 
Permission    : NT AUTHORITY\INTERACTIVE AccessAllowed, BUILTIN\Administrators AccessAllowed, BUILTIN\Remote Management Users AccessAllowed

Without any additional configuration, commands run through the endpoint will execute as the logged in user. For this example, we need to specify other credentials on the server to execute our commands so our users do not need admin rights themselves.

$RunAsCred = (Get-Credential)
Set-PSSessionConfiguration -Name MyPSEndpoint -RunAsCredential $RunAsCred

Using our endpoint

Now we're ready to connect and use our endpoint. As a user with permissions delegated via the Security Descriptor above, run the following:

New-PSSession -ComputerName 'remoteserver' -ConfigurationName 'MyPSEndpoint' | Enter-PSSession

If all goes well, we should be greeted with a remote session PS prompt, as denoted by the [remoteserver] PS> in front of the console prompt.

Now we can start to explore what we can can't do! (As long as we configured our session correctly)

Familiar commands like 'Get-ChildItem' won't work, and will result in an 'unknown cmdlet' error. In fact there's literally nothing we can run except the commands in our module, and a few pre-defined commands necessary for the session to function. We can list our options with Get-Command

[wincore2019demo]: PS> Get-Command

CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------
Function        Clear-Host
Function        Exit-PSSession
Function        Get-Command
Function        Get-Foo                                            0.0        MyModule
Function        Get-FormatData
Function        Get-Help
Function        Measure-Object
Function        Out-Default
Function        Restart-OurCustomService                           0.0        MyModule
Function        Select-Object

Our two commands are present from our module, and that's essentially it. The other functions are pre-defined by the session type RestrictedRemoteServer, and are needed for the endpoint to function correctly.

We can run Get-Foo:

[wincore2019demo]: PS>Get-Foo -Message "I love Powershell!"
I love Powershell!

We can run Restart-OurCustomService:

PS> Restart-OurCustomService
OurCustomService could not be restarted.

We can see the results of our interactions in the event log. My demo VM has no service "OurCustomService" so it displayed a friendly error to the console, and logged the verbose error to the event log.

TIP: In Restricted Language Mode, we do not have access to the global variable $error. However, by utilizing advanced functions, we can specify -ErrorVariable to still be able to write the error to the event log, even if we don't present this information to our users in the console. This can be seen in the Restart-OurCustomService function, and in the screenshot below.

At this point we've gone over creating a Powershell JEA Endpoint using restricted language and an available custom module for restarting a service. There is a massive amount more you can do with this, but I hope this real-world demonstration has made JEA just a little bit less intimidating and easy to use!